23 januari 2025

Why social media firms will struggle to follow new EU rules on illegal content

Why social media firms will struggle to follow new EU rules on illegal content

The EU’s recently agreed Digital Services Act and the UK Government’s Online Safety Bill are the latest attempts to target illegal online content, particularly on social media platforms; but Dr Greig Paul of the University of Strathclyde believes that the struggles to balance moderation with free speech, and the sheer scale of social media, means that such efforts are unlikely to succeed.
Social media allowed us to connect with one another like never before. But it came with a price – it handed a megaphone to everyone, including terrorists, child abusers and hate groups.

EU institutions recently reached agreement on the Digital Services Act (DSA), which aims to “make sure that what is illegal offline is dealt with as illegal online”. The UK Government also has an Online Safety Bill in the works, to step up requirements for digital platforms to take down illegal material.

Lees verder via policinginsight.com

Meer leren over burgers en  veiligheid van Dr. Sara Stronks, Onderzoeker lectoraat Maatschappelijke Veiligheid, Saxion Hogescholen en Onderzoeker Politieacademie, Frank van Summeren, adviseur, RONT, Dr. Marc Schuilenburg, hoogleraar Digital Surveillance, Erasmus School of Law, Arnout de Vries, senior innovator, TNO, Remko van Broekhoven, filosoof en Robert van der Noordaa, Trollrensics ? Kom naar de geheel nieuwe editie van de HCB Seminarreeks ‘Veiligheid, recht en bestuur’ vanaf 19 mei 2022 georganiseerd door het Haags Congres Bureau.

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