16 september 2024

The role of the patient in patient safety: What can we learn from healthcare’s history?

The role of the patient in patient safety: What can we learn from healthcare’s history?

Ian Leistikow and Frank Huisman

Many nations, healthcare organizations and interest groups are currently struggling with the question how patients can best be involved in designing and executing patient safety policies. To give just one example: in 2013, the British Health Foundation, an independent charity committed to bringing about better health and healthcare for people in the UK, published the results of its research into this question. It concluded that strategies to involve patients may need to concentrate on ensuring that professionals have positive attitudes, are supportive and ask patients for input and feedback; that the infrastructure is in place to do something about patients comments; and that patients feel able and encouraged to take part in the decision-making process. The report concludes that “greater patient involvement may require changing the culture of healthcare so that patients and professionals are working as partners in a joint team.”1 The report of the Health Foundation may be seen as a late echo of a debate that started in the late 1960s. What has been accomplished since, and why is a similar programmatic call for patient’s involvement still imperative?

Lees verder via repub.eur.nl

Meer leren over perspectieven op toezicht? Kom naar het door het Haags Congres Bureau georganiseerde Nieuwspoort Seminar Toezicht in Transitie 2019 op 20 maart 2019 in Den Haag met oa prof. dr. Ian Leistikow (Erasmus, IGJ).

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