22 december 2024

The great break-up of Big Tech is finally beginning

The great break-up of Big Tech is finally beginning

Last week, state attorneys general, led by Texas and New York, announced investigations into Google and Facebook for possible antitrust violations. This is a big deal. No society has ever centralized control of information as we have in big tech, and this is the first real American strike at the problem. As Professor Scott Galloway frequently notes in his podcast with tech journalist Kara Swisher, the big tech break-up has finally begun.

Lees verder via theguardian.com

Meer leren? Meer leren? Kom 27 november naar Perscentrum Nieuwspoort in Den Haag voor ‘De Veiligheidstafel LIVE – Big Tech: Digitale gangsters?’ met oa prof. dr. Bob Hoogenboom (Nyenrode Business Universiteit) en Kees Verhoeven (Lid Tweede Kamer, D66). Zie de website van het Haags Congres Bureau.

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