02 januari 2025

Organised crime and the coronavirus: A research agenda

Organised crime and the coronavirus: A research agenda

While many commentators are asking how ‘organised crime’ is adapting to the COVID-19 crisis, Dr Anna Sergi warns that such questions may be missing the point. Rather, we should be looking at variability of organised crime structures and activities, and preparing ourselves for a new research agenda in a changed and unknown landscape.

There is no shortage of evidence that ‘organised crime’ has rapidly adapted to Covid-19 conditions. While some journalists have looked at how illicit trades are affected by the pandemic, think tanks and scholars have investigated new opportunities for organised crime, ranging from cyber-fraud to the changing markets for illegal drugs. Others still have focused on changing patterns of social control as enforced by gangs and the mix between serious and complex crimes, like healthcare fraud and corruption.

Lees verder via policinginsight.com

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