04 maart 2025

Reducing cybercrime means addressing its most complex component: human behavior

Reducing cybercrime means addressing its most complex component: human behavior

The technological advancements that let our world connect and thrive in the digital age also present increased risk as more people and organizations become victims of cybercrime.

Cybersecurity Ventures predicts that the total damages attributable to cybercrimes – including loss of data, money, and productivity, and the costs of investigations, system repairs, and reputation damage – will exceed $10 trillion by 2025. Ransomware attacks alone will cost more than $265 billion.

Lees verder via scmagazine.com

Leren en reflecteren als burgemeester op veiligheidsthema’s als cybercime, maatschappelijke onrust en ondermijning? Kom vanaf 9 februari 2023 naar de HCB Collegereeks ‘Veiligheid, recht en bestuur – Burgers, bedrijven en veiligheid’ in Den Haag georganiseerd door het Haags Congres Bureau. Met oa prof. dr. Bob Hoogenboom, prof. dr. Jon Schilder en prof. dr. Janine Janssen.

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