22 februari 2025

Policing by consent is not ‘woke’ – it is fundamental to a democratic society

Policing by consent is not ‘woke’ – it is fundamental to a democratic society

New Zealand Police Commissioner Andrew Coster was recently accused by one politician of being a ‘wokester’ and out of step with the public for his commitment to policing by consent; but Dr Bethan Greener of Massey University believes the focus on consent and engaging with communities is entirely in line with the fundamental ethos of democratic policing.

National Party justice spokesperson Simon Bridges has accused New Zealand Police Commissioner Andrew Coster of being a “wokester” whose commitment to “policing by consent” is out of step with the law.

The claims were in response to Coster’s avowed belief that police need to engage with the community in a nuanced manner, which includes the wider principle of policing by consent. Coster has also recently said the police “can’t arrest our way out of the gang problem”.

Lees verder via policinginsight.com

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