23 oktober 2024

LGBTQ people’s troubled relationship with police – new survey shows high rates of harassment, abuse and distrust

LGBTQ people’s troubled relationship with police – new survey shows high rates of harassment, abuse and distrust

Although police departments across the United States have taken steps in recent years to improve relations with the LGBTQ community, new research suggests that LGBTQ people experience more mistreatment by police, have lower levels of trust in law enforcement, and are less likely to call for help, than their non-LGBTQ counterparts, says Stefan Vogler, Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

The LGBTQ community’s long history with law enforcement is so troubled and violent that organizers at some recent Pride parades decided to ban police from marching in the parade.

Sometimes, the names and photos of those arrested were published in newspapers – with potentially dire social and economic consequences.

Throughout the 20th century, the police would routinely raid gay bars, rounding up patrons and taking them to jail. Sometimes, the names and photos of those arrested were published in newspapers – with potentially dire social and economic consequences.

Police departments across the country have taken steps in recent years to improve relations with the LGBTQ community, creating LGBTQ liaison officer positions and mandating sensitivity trainings.

Lees verder via policinginsight.com

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