23 februari 2025

Automatic Facial Recognition regulation: Current statutory code could be updated to provide ‘robust advice’

Automatic Facial Recognition regulation: Current statutory code could be updated to provide ‘robust advice’

There have been calls for a new code to regulate the police use of Automated Facial Recognition technology, but Surveillance Camera Commissioner Tony Porter says the current Surveillance Camera Code of Practice could be updated to provide the police service with advice on using AFR.

Automatic facial recognition (AFR) is once again gaining space in our national press at a time when only Brexit related issues seem to get column inches. This time it has been prompted by my fellow regulator’s, the Information Commissioner, report into the police use of AFR and accompanying opinion.

Lees verder via policinginsight.com

Meer leren? Kom naar de VeiligheidsTafel Live! Big Tech: Digitale Gangsters? op 27 november in Nieuwspoort. Met onder meer Bart van der Sloot (Tilburg University), Marc Schuilenburg (VU), Bob Hoogenboom (Nyenrode), Kees Verhoeven (D66), Jochem de Groot (Microsoft) en Marcel Canoy (publicist, columnist en adviseur ACM). Zie de website van het Haags Congres Bureau.

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