22 december 2024

A new research partnership exploring volunteers in law enforcement and public safety in the UK and Japan

A new research partnership exploring volunteers in law enforcement and public safety in the UK and Japan

British policing has included volunteers for nearly 200 years – but what can it learn from others, and vice versa? A new research partnership between the UK and Japan will explore the possibilities: Matthew Callender, Laura Knight, Iain Britton, Kimihiro Hino and Mamoru Amemiya explain.

There are exciting developments in approaches to volunteering in policing and public safety in both Japan and in the UK. The two national settings have developed interestingly different models of volunteering reflecting very different cultural settings and histories of volunteer involvement.

Lees verder via policinginsight.com

Meer leren over risico’s en randvoorwaarden bij burgeropsporing? Kom 11 april naar het Nieuwspoort Seminar ‘De Veilige Gemeente 2019 – Burgers in opsporing’ georganiseerd door het Haags Congres Bureau. Met Wim van Amerongen (Nationale Politie), Arnout de Vries (TNO), Eric Bervoets (Bureau Bervoets), Ronald van Steden (VU Amsterdam, SMV) en Marnix Eysink Smeets (Inholland).

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